AFDP Introduction
Vision: Create prosperous fair society all people are healthy and capable enough with respect for diverse culture and environment.
Mission: Develop businesses and industries by our field experience, global networks, market knowledge and expertise in collaboration with innovative companies.
Goal: Eliminate poverty and generate a thick layer of healthy and well-educated middle class in Asia and Africa, where are rapid population growth expected.
Business Structure
Three pillars of our business, mainly in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Asia and the Republic of Zambia in Africa:
1. Business Consulting, 2. Training Programme, and 3. Social Business
We focus on “Value awareness towards fair systems and social mechanisms” and “New ways of thinking” of individuals and teams, which have been cultivated by our actual field experiences through the Business Consulting, Training Programme, and Social Business in emerging countries.
Through those three pillars, we aim at building a virtuous cycle that sublimates into a sustainable society in which all people involved can enjoy prosperity in each context.
1. Business Consulting「Alliance Forum Partnership」
With an eye on the 22nd century, AFDP provides companies which are interested in expanding into emerging countries’ markets with “Alliance Forum Partnership (AFP)”, a business consulting service to contribute their innovative technologies and services to solve social issues, promote economic development and create social values.
AFP supports the creation of new businesses and industries by understanding their philosophy, maximizing their companies’ social values and by combining their technologies and business know-how with our experiences, knowledge, and networks accumulated in the our businesses (Trainings Programme and Social Business), leading to much social impact in midterm to long-term.
By connecting those companies in AFDP ecosystem, we support to develop reliable partnership with emerging countries.
Achievements with Partners
- Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation (MCHC), Feasibility Survey on the thin film solar panel.
- Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd.
- SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED, Market Survey on insecticide treatment materials.
- eTRUST Co., Ltd.
- ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
- HARUKA International
Achievement Reports (Related site)
- Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd.「Preparatory Survey on BOP Business on Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition through Locally-Developed Foods (JICA BOP business promotion survey)(2014)」(English)
- eTRUST Co., Ltd.「Flood Observation System with Solar Power and Smart Phone Contributing to Improved Water Disaster Management(2014)」(Japanese, Summary in English)
- ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.「Preparatory study on high-value-added skin care product business using surplus agricultural products in Kenya (JICA BOP business promotion survey) “」(2016) (Japanese)
- HARUKA International「Preparatory survey on small-scale farmers’ livelihood improvement projects in Kingdom of Bhutan by introducing organic mushroom cultivation technology in Japan (JICA BOP business promotion survey)」(2016) (Japanese)
- MIZOUE PROJECT JAPAN CORPORATION「Base survey on portable ultrasound device at home visiting health care workers in the Republic of Bangladesh in Bangladesh」(2019~)
2.Training Programme and Microfinance Training
For private companies, universities and government officials, AFDP provides fully customized “Trainings Programmes” such as human resource development, microfinance and financial inclusion, capacity building, nutrition improvement and so on.
2-1. Next Generation Global Leadership Programme
In this century, the world population will be 10 billion and Japan’s population of the total world population will be less than 1%. The current emerging countries will take more important central roles in the world. In the ever-changing world, it is necessary to acquire “New ways of thinking” that enable to solve global issues and create new values.
AFDP provides the “Next Generation Global Leadership Programme” for executive candidates and business development managers. It supports to acquire world-class universal management abilities, wherever and whenever appliable, such as sublimation of corporate profits into social profits, corporate philosophy and vision centric management, and value co-creations from diversity.
Featured Advantages
- Practical training programme developed by actual AFDP projects and experiences conducted around the world.
- Reflective dialogue based programme that promotes participants, getting out form social complexities, to reconsider their paradigm or frame of thinking (reference) and find out their internal source that leads to create business and values.
- Authentic leadership development programme featured by the idea of “Public Interest Capitalism” advocated by the Alliance Forum Foundation.
* In addition to the group training programmes, we also customize programs according to your requests. Click here for inquiries
2-2. Alliance Learning Programme (Lecture, Workshop etc.)
AFDP proposes customized programs that meet curriculum and needs of universities.
Lecture Theme / Category examples
New business development, How to grasp needs in growing countries, Global Leadership development
Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs, Environment Society Governance: ESG, Social development,
Nutrition issues in growing countries, Poverty alleviation, Microfinance/Financial Inclusion, Destructive technologies, etc.
2-3. Microfinance training / Financial Inclusion
・Microfinance Training Course Related Page
・Financial Inclusion
“Workshop on Enhancing Financial Inclusion in the COMESA region -Through Enhancement of the Regulatory and Supervisory Framework” Related Page
3. Social Business
3-1. Nutrition Project (Spirulina Project) in Zambia
In 2008, AFDP decided to start nutrition improvement activities in Zambia. There were about 40% children suffering from chronic malnutrition in Zambia. Chronic malnutrition is caused by micronutrient deficiency such as vitamins and minerals. It leads to decrease immunity and increase morbidity, and, in the worst case, brings developmental disorders in their brains and bodies.
We have supported people in Zambia with sustainable business model development to solve the nutrition issue by local production and local consumption of “Spirulina”, which is an edible algae native to Africa and has high content of protein, vitamins and minerals.
Related page (Project details), Related page (Activity Report)
3-2. Nutrition Project / Key Foods Survey in Bangladesh
Alliance project with AIN(Ajinomoto Foundation International program for Nutrition)
(2016~2019) Related page
Global Partner
Jagorani Chakra Foundation
The Common
Market for Eastern
and Southern Africa
University of Zambia
Bauleni Special Needs Project
African Development Bank
Observatory of Digital Communications
Japan International Cooperation Agency